Monday 24 October 2016

Devising for our mock and GCSE Exam

In our previous double lesson we got into our groups and started devising for our exam. As the brecht group had six people, and the exam board says 2-5, we had to split up. Miss suggested it would be better if we had a group of two and a group of four instead of two groups of threes. I am in the group of two. Me and my friend Kayleigh, the other member of my group, had already been messaging each other ideas. We had come up with a scene where we  were both sisters, one being a nerd, the other being a cool kid who rolls up their skirt and doesn't really care. I am playing the cool kid.
For our set we had created a bedroom scene, a desk, a been bag and a chair. We start the scene off where I storm into to the room demanding for the laptop, which Kayleigh is on, so I can go on To make this brecht we are doing to stick a piece of paper on the back of the laptop that says 'Geography Assessment', because at the beginning of the scene Kayleigh is sitting at the desk doing her geography essay. The message behind this is piece is not to judge a book by its cover. We are using the quote "It's not what you look at, it's what you see." The main story line of this is that the cool kid seems all lazy and bad girl at home but at school she tries to fit in by skipping class and not doing homework, on the other hand the 'nerd' is studious at home but cool at school. This suggest that even though we look like something, inside is a whole new person, and that humans judge people too quickly.

Wednesday 19 October 2016

Brechtian Work and Development

In this double lesson we decided what type of theatre we wanted to do, for our exam; Brecht, T.I.E or Physical. I originally chose  T.I.E but we were indecisive on what we wanted to do as a group as there was too many options and we didn't all agree with each other, so I moved to Brecht. We then started devising a piece that used an object on wheels. Ours was an office chair. We created a school scenario  where I played a nerd, two other members played the "mean girls" of the school, another member played the school's 'hottie" and the last member multi-roles from a "God" to a school boy. By using the chair, we created a scene where the "God" would move around with the chair and place it behind you. If it was placed behind you you'd have to sit on it and then they would say something to you, that you didn't believe at first but by sitting in that chair, it has changed your mind or opinion on whatever it was that the"God" told you. That would then make the scene turn more dramatic and striking for the audience because the "God" only speaks the truth so if you friends with someone, sat on the chair and the "God" said that she was talking about you behind your back, you would go from friends to "enemies".  The scene started with the two mean girls talking together about boys, the nerd, aka me, sitting on a chair on my own, writing in a notepad and the school's "hottie" just sitting on his phone "acting cool". The "God" then moves the chair behind one of the mean girls, she then sits down and the "God" tells her that the other mean girl likes the hottie as well as her and that she has been calling her a slut so the "hottie" won't date her but will date the other girl who is saying mean things, as they both like him. The mean girl who has been called a slut then goes over to the other mean girl and they get into a fight. Because the nerd doesn't like the two girls she just stays out of it, as does the "hottie". The "God" then brings the chair behind me, so I sit on it and he tells me that the "hottie" does like the mean girls, but he likes me instead. I react disgusted and confused because  I don't like the "cool boy" because I think he is too full of himself, and I don't understand why he'd like a nerd and not the cooler girls. Then the"God" moves behind the "cool boy/hottie" and tells him that the two mean girls both have crushes on him. He acts quite angry as he says something on the lines of  "Why is it the the girls I don't like, like me and the one girl I love doesn't?".

That is all we did for the first half of the lesson. After break we came back in and rehearsed what I have just explained and then performed it to the our two groups and we watched theirs. That took up about half of our other half of our double lesson so we only had about half an hour to come up with another scene that could either go before what we had just performed of after. We had time to come up with a scene to happen before the school scene. The chair was turned upside down and used as a clothes hanger thing in a clothes shop, that you turn. We hung our blazers on the wheels as if they were clothes. We only managed to have time to act that out as coming ip with he ideas took a while. However we came up with idea of the mean girls being in the sop and putting the blazer on backwards and they would just laugh at how ridiculous it was. Then the nerd would come in and put the blazer on properly and the mean girls would be like "did she seriously just do that."

That is all we had time to divide during our previous double lesson.
Paper Dolls

In this lesson we firstly did some work as a class using paper. We were told to fold our paper in half and imagine it was a bird. That bird was to lead us around the room swooping up and down, around in circles, when meeting another bird it would react to it. we got into groups of four and were given a certain amount of paper to create a human figure. Miss had to help us because putting the structure together wasn't easy. But we created a paper model that looked like a human being. We had to work together with hand and speech coordination to make it look like it was walking like a human would. We then were told that we had to make it into a person, we chose Nicki Minaj so we used out extra paper, that we ripped off the arms to make the arms a better length, scrunched it up into four separate balls and attached them as boobs and a bum. We moved the structure so it looked like "Nicki" was singing, putting on lipstick, twerking and then doing a slut drop. To improve this we could of not added the extra balls to make it look more realistic to make the audience think more and get more imaginative whilst watching us perform it.  Here is our paper doll: