Sunday 25 September 2016

Brechtian Theatre

Brechtian Theatre Work

Today in drama we focused on Brechtian Theatre. We got into groups of four and were given a few lyrics from a beetles song - A day in the life. Our interpretation of the lyrics were there being a car crash so that is what we acted out.

Our lyrics were :
He blew his mind out in a car
He didn't notice that the lights had changed
A crowd of people stood and stared
They'd seen his face before
Nobody was really sure
If he was from the House of Lords.

We created a very basic car crash scene where I was a passing teenager who notices the crash and sees if there is s a pulse of the people that crashed, one of them survived but the other wasn't so lucky.

He blew his mind out in a car - This is the line where we imagined a car crash.
He didn't notice that the lights had changed - There was a phone call and the driver picked up and wasn't paying attention so the lights changed the driver made an abrupt stop and the driver behind crashed into her.
A crowd of people stood and stared - Eliza and I (school girls - teens) and saw the crash happen so I scream and we both run to see if they're alive or not.
They'd seen his face before - The drivers were complete strangers.
Nobody was really sure - Not sure if they survived the accident or not.
If he was from the House of Lords. - As we only had half an hour to do this task my group didn't have time to create a part for this line but it would of probably be that one of the drivers was from the House of Lords and one of the school girls noticed it and that would mean that it was a sad time as a very important person might of just died.

Here is the music video for a day in the life.


Sunday 18 September 2016

Physical Theatre Lesson

Physical Theatre Lesson

In today's lesson we focused on physical theatre. It's not my favourite way of presenting something, but I enjoyed this lesson a lot. At the beginning of the lesson we were shown an image of a window. The image is called Wind from the sea by Andrew Wyeth.

In groups we were told to look and write down what we thought about the picture; what the meaning behind it, the setting, background history, what it could mean or represent. Then as a class we discussed and came up with five words we loved most; Ghost, Flashback, WW2, distant and neglect. After that, in those same groups we created five still images, one for each word. 
My group started of with the WW2 image then transitioned into ghost then distant then flashback  and then neglect.

We also added in a song called Derbun Skies by Bastille:

This is our WW2 image:

This is our Ghost image:

This is our Distant image:

This is our Flashback image:

This is our Neglect image:

Tuesday 13 September 2016

Physical Theatre, Brecht and T.I.E

Physical Theatre:

A form of theatre which emphasizes the use of physical movement, as in dance and mime, for expression.

I Like this image because it is extremely creative and could show how movement can have an impact on the audience. The picture could represent strength because they are all having to work together to keep themselves up. It could also represent trust as they all have to believe in one another so the shape stays still.

This video is mind blowing. It takes a lot of core strength and general strength to do this and that's what makes physical theatre more amazing. It shows how much effort and time has gone in to make it and it tells a story at the same time.

 Theatre in Education (T.I.E):

A process in which it includes all the interactive theatre/drama practices that help aid the educational process. As T.I.E is used, new strategies and objectives for using theatre in education tool emerge.

This picture kind of represents what T.I.E is and how it helps children and adults understand matter. For me this picture represents a 'bully circle' as the girl in the centers facial expression looks scared, which could mean that she is getting bullied. The girl hugging her is her friend and supports the girl getting bullied and is trying to make to bullies/ crowd of people leave her alone.

This video is a good example of T.I.E and also relates to the image above.
It shows the bad side of things, but the message behind it is the opposite.
It makes the audience realise how bad things are so they will think twice before doing something they shouldn't.

Brechtian Theatre:

theatrical movement arising in the early to mid-20th century from the theories and practice of a number of theatre practitioners who responded to the political climate of the time through the creation of a new political theatre.

This image is a good example of Brechtian Theatre as it shows a political event. It involves the use of plaque cards and outfit and scene changes on stage. I like this image because it shows a good example of what Brechtian Theatre is.

The video shows and tells you about Brechtian Theatre, what its like and its impact. I like it because it gives examples and explains things in more detail.

Welcome to my blog for GCSE drama

I'm Emma and this is my blog for GCSE Drama :)